11 February 2009


Valentine's Day.............HELLO!

I don't know if you know this but I LOVE being single. I really do. Not that I wouldn't jump on the chance to be in a relationship or get married, but I am really quite content with the fact that I am single. I haven't always felt that way, but I'm really happy about some changes that I've made lately and I'm really loving my life. I'm well aware that this paragraph sounds exceptionally cheesey, but I don't really care.

So as I think about Valentine's Day and my lack of romantic involvement, I dwell upon the idea that I couldn't settle for anyone that wouldn't know me so well as to get me the box of candy that I saw at Target the other day. It was a holographic picture of Darth Vader and above his head it said, "I Am Your.........", and then you move the box slightly and it's a picture of Anakin with ".....Valentine" underneath him. It was awesome. Yes, I am also well aware that I am a total dork, but I'm ok with that.


The Picketts said...

I heart you Vanessa! And I loved the comment you left me! If only I was married to you!!! ha ha ha- Jason sometime lacks in the romance department (which I'm totally fine with) but being prego and all - I'm feeling the need for some romantic rose petals, hearts and wow...cucumber sandwiches...WOW. I adore you...seriously! Maybe I should have you call Jason and give him some pointers! HA. Love you tons!! (Consider this your Valentine - since I don't send them out...but I did - you'd be the FIRST one I sent out!)

DeAnn said...

I so so hope you bought yourself that box of chocolates! I love this post. I don't think it's cheesy at all - thanks for putting into words what I've been thinking about lately. Can I be you when I grow up?

Jen said...

YAY!! - You have comments again -- although,... I forgot what I was going to say about the last 10 posts... In the meantime from me to you: happy Valentine's day -- and in your honor, I will NOT be sending you a crappy box of necco hearts. PS: I have been interviewing prospective suitors for you since 2006 but I literally cannot find anyone who is qualified for the slyest of vixen. In the meantime, I will unturn every stone... and send you a frosty diet coke (redeemable on a Girl's night out with me and Kristy)

rachel said...

marriage is sometimes over rated....totally enjoy the singleness while you can! Happy VD to you :)

Smart Bomb said...


I am happy for you. I am also very troubled that I have recently had to terminate my contract with Rob @ Absolute. Manny of things went side ways for me over the past year... I probably wont see you at the gym any time soon. but you never know.

Long live the fighters!

check this link for a cool song about St Valentine


Old 97s rock

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU ness oh yes i does i love u ness and just because you is so awesome and you can beat my butt oh ness u has big nuts! lol Where has u been friend?? i wuv u :D

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU ness oh yes i does i love u ness and just because you is so awesome and you can beat my butt oh ness u has big nuts! lol Where has u been friend?? i wuv u :D

Natalie said...

You are my little dorky girl aren't you? So I have a question: are you on facebook? Because I noticed you don't post as much as you used to. And I've also noticed that that is exactly what has happened to my entire list of relatives who conviced me to blog so we could be tight, and then they all but abandoned the blog completely for their new lover, Facebook. Just wondering if that's where you've been. I'm not on facebook so I can't stalk you to find out the answer myself.

Love you.
Miss you.

I would have bought that Vader box if I had seen it. But I got a slightly innappropriate singing greeting card for Rhett at Target instead. It was great.