06 August 2008


Does waiting 3 hours in line at the DMV-Driver's License Division make you want to punch through a wall? Me too. What about having to do that three days in a row because no one there can give you a clear answer on what exactly you need to do to get a Utah driver's license because your Massachusetts one was stolen on your birthday and you thought that typically a passport and a birth certificate would be valid enough evidence that you are actually you but instead you're sent to the social security office to stand in that line for an hour so that they can spend thirty seconds typing up a little letter saying that you have a social security number and then bring it back to the DMV and wait again in line for them to tell you to come back another day so that they can run a driving check through Massachusetts first? I was a fraction of a second away from grabbing the employee that was "helping" me by the shirt and dragging him across the counter while screaming that I was going to smash his face into a jelly! Did a mention that I'm severely menstrual? I am.

One of my running partners is a 15 year old boy. We talk about everything. Coolest kid. A bit of a punk too. He had a solution to my woes.
Nothing beats hiding in the bushes along the side of the road and hurling water balloons at passing cars to clear your head. Nothing! The guy is a genius.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't your idea and you roped some poor kid into it? That would sound a little more true to form.

I heard that your purse was stolen. Sorry it happened. I'll take you out to dinner as a belated birthday thing. I'm going to call you in the morning. Answer your phone, dangit!

Brenna said...

That is exactly what I need to do sometimes!! Brilliant! As for the DMV.... Just thinking about it makes me angry! Aaargh! I can't believe your purse was stolen, and on your birthday! What's with people stealing your things??

Marilee said...

There is a reason Patty and Selma work at the DMV.....

Natalie said...

Hey, what gives? I'm pissed for you. I think I'd like to start squeezing mandatory balloon launching sessions into my schedule as required therapy. Can I play next time? Super cool, kid. Super, cool.

Jenny said...


I mean... I am so sorry. that sucks....

King J, Queen M, Princess E and Princess M said...

Oh man, I wish I would have know that was the anctidote to a suckee day yesterday! Sounds like a rough day.

Oh and I am glad I finally found your blog ;).

The Picketts said...

So - just thought you should know - be on the lookout for a little somethin' somethin' to be coming you way in about 3 to 4 days ("but not guaranteed" at least that's what they told me). Just let me know that it arrived in your hot little hands safely! If not, someone will pay!

The Picketts said...

Ok - it's officially been a week since this last post and I'm hoping that your birthday didn't push you over the top and land you somewhere scary! However, if it did, I'm sure I speak for ALL your readers when I say we want to hear about it! I miss you 'Ness! Hope you're doing alright and to hear from you soon! Hugs!

Brenna said...

So your fungus counter says that it was supposed to be gone 4 days ago. I hope that's true and the fungus didn't consume you.