08 October 2008

The Burger King or Garth?

Jenny posted a fantastic Halloween piece which featured some excellent homemade costumes from yesteryear. I enjoyed it more than I can express.

Well, with Halloween approaching, I need to start putting together a costume and I need your help in deciding.

A few years ago I wanted to be The Burger King but couldn't find a costume to make that idea a reality. The idea was resurrected in my mind and I went online to find a King mask. I found a whole pile of The Burger King costumes on various sites. What do you think? He's so creepy that he's incredibly hilarious? Yep, that's what I thought too.But my dilemma is that I wanted to be Garth Algar this year because I have the perfect haircut for it. And I love him. Love him. Also, a pal at work said that he would dress up as Wayne if I wanted to be Garth. He has longish dark hair and would be perfect as Wayne. Are you as conflicted as I am?

Can I tell you one thing that I won't be this Halloween?Don't even ask. I just won't do it.

In my searching I found the funniest couples costume of all time. Highly inappropriate but you can't deny the comedy in such a display.

(picture removed due to friend request)

It was just too funny not to post. (Brenna, don't blush. You're the one that told me about that French commercial where the young boy was given consent for every bad thing that he did. I swear that I messed up our testing because I was laughing soooo hard and for soooo long!)

Back to the matter at hand...who should I be for Halloween '08? The King or Garth? The pilgrim still isn't an option.

Garth it is! Thanks for the input. Anyone have a flannel shirt I could borrow?

I might have influenced someone else at work to be The King. I can't wait to see if she really does it.


Kristin said...

Keith and I have really enjoyed your blog. We've laughed a lot. He especially loved the "voting" strategy video below.

As for the Halloween costume I think you would make a excellent Garth.

DeAnn said...

If you refuse to go with the Pilgrim -- then go was Garth.

Brenna said...

Too late! Blushing! Anyway, I also think that you should be Garth, especially if you've got a Wayne. Although, that Burger King costume is great. The mask would be a necessity. And you would have to walk around with your hand up like that all day so you would look just like this guy.

Jenny said...

I'm gonna say Garth... definitely!! The King freaks me out and I think BK needs better marketing -- Didn't Quaker do the same thing with a plastic Quaker man?

Thanks for the Shout Out BTW

Oh -- and what is super going to be? Maybe you should dress as a deep sea fisher and take him as a prop...