31 May 2009

Object of the Day

Everyone that knows me probably had been a victim participant in one of my homemade games. I love making up games. It's most likely because I have the attention span of a toddler on crack. When I'm at work and a bit bored, the guy that I share an office with and I throw magnets at metal cabinets to see who can get closest to the top without going over. Or we'll put targets on the cabinets and try to hit it. I work with all men in our LAL testing department and we are constantly challenging each other with impossible shots into the garbage can with the lids off of the sterile water containers. There are many others that games that I initiate to squelch the intermittent boredom in the lab, but I'll spare you the details.

The latest game and the one that has attracted the most participants has been "Object of the Day". This is a VTS trademark game so don't even think about taking it and selling it. Do we have an agreement? Alright, I will proceed. A couple months ago I was wearing an enormous earring that, by the end of the day, felt like it was going to rip right through my lobe. I was curious to see how much it weighed, so I put it on one of the balances in the lab. It ended up weighing almost 11 grams! I started going around asking people how much they thought my earring weighed and we all had alot of fun guessing. And that's how OOTD was born. I pick an object each day and go around taking everyone's guesses. The person that comes the closest without going over (Price Is Right rules) wins for the day. I've become quite famous for my culinary talents so the person that has the most wins accumulated throughout the month gets to request their favorite treat and I will make it for them. It has gained quite the following. It started with just a few people in my department and then spread to the entire section and now people in other sections are playing. I'm sure that soon it will receive national recognition. Last month, emotions were high because six or seven people were tied with two wins each by last week in May. The guessing started getting very serious.

I just had my annual review and the high scores were given to me on teamwork/fun category. There was special mention of OOTD as being an excellent team building tool. And this is another reason as to why I am indeed the Professor of Awesome. Thankyouverymuch!

Below is a calendar keeping record of the object, how much it weighed and who won for that day. Paul (my office-mate) likes to highlight his achievement. It's kinda cute, how excited he gets when he wins.


King J, Queen M, Princess E and Princess M said...

You are indeed the professor of awesomeness!

Janet said...

I wish I could carry you around in my pocket. Then I'd never be sad, frustrated, or bored.

Kyle C. said...

Totally unrelated comment... but since you asked me to give you an example of my diet on any given day at the gym tonight, (and suggested I post something in your comments section:) here is today's numbers. I'm actually going to work up a little explanation of the theory behind this on my blog for you tomorrow I think (if I have time... I think we're going to with the War on Terror tomorrow... or play checkers, not sure whats on the schedule)

Total Calories: 2650//185g Protein//150g Fat//140g Carbs

I only track protein and fat, since if those two numbers hit my minimums, the carbs are automatically in sync...

Protein Shake (Morning... was running late)
2 oz Peanuts
2x Eggs, 3 oz Steak, Fajita Vegetables
Turkey breast and Cheese
Taco Salad (1/2 lb meat) no tortilla
6 pcs Center Cut Bacon, 4x Eggs, bag of frozen veggies sauted in Jalepeno flavored olive oil (mmmm... good)

Total I aim for 2650 // 195g protein // 115 g fat but I got carried away with the eggs and steak at lunch...

When I am being super strict I reduce my total calories down to 2200 with 170 protein and 115 fat but thats kinda hard to maintain over time with my training volume.

Anyway, shoot me an e-mail and I can try and work up some numbers specific to what you want to do, body weight, training volume and just how strict you want to get.


J & M Squared said...

You are hilarious! A freakin genius! Check out my blog, become a fan. jandmsquared@blogspot.com

Love and miss you Alex!

Jenn Helmer said...

I take it back -- you are CLEARLY in the right professional field -- What would these people do without you?!?! -- DIE OF BOREDOM. I seriously hope you are my bunk buddy if we are ever POWs